Is gambling a sin yahoo answers

Yahoo New Zealand Answers ... or that gambling is a sin. Badpesta seems to be the only other person here who has reading comprehension skills. The rest of you need to make a visit to your local Sylvan Learning Center, gain some reading skills, then go back and read the bible again. Is Gambling considered a sin? | Yahoo Answers

Oct 16, 2010 ... Gambling is leaving to chance what you should trust to our Lord. ... since the Bible says "...whatever is not from faith is sin," (Romans 14:23). Gambling Acrostic Poem - Gambling Poems Gambling Poems - Modern Award-winning Gambling Poetry : All Poetry. A farmer who tried ... What a sin! And that means I ... about gambling? | Yahoo Answers. Gambling suicide ontario

Gambling becomes sinful only when one pays too much money for the entertainment. A person in a casino spending thousands of dollars that his family needs is committing a sin, and the Church is very firm about this ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 2413).

Aug 28, 2007 · Yahoo New Zealand Answers or that gambling is a sin. Badpesta seems to be the only other person here who has reading comprehension skills. The rest of you need to make a visit to your local Sylvan Learning Center, gain some reading skills, then go back and read the bible again. Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling? Question: "Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?" Answer: The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery.The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5). Why do churches say that gambling is sin then have Bingo Aug 26, 2007 · Best Answer: You make a good point if such so called churches do that. Why might gambling be considered a sin? Is it not essentially because it is seeking to obtain something apart from God's provision? - He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely Christians: Is gambling a sin, and if so, why??? | Yahoo

Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?

Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?

Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for Is gambling a sin -? [Religion & Spirituality] Is there an explicit, direct, biblical prohibition of casino gambling or lotteries? Not that I know of. However, the Christian church has consistently taken a dim view of casino gambling and the use of lotteries based on the implications of certain biblical ...

Is Gambling a Sin? Audio Audio download options Is Gambling a Sin? MP3; The Bible’s answer. Although the Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, we can discern from Bible principles that God views gambling as a sin. —Ephesians 5: 17 ...

What does the Bible say about gambling? Is gambling a sin? | Bible ...

Follow-up question poised to ... - I asked if gambling was a sin, and to those that said YES, I ask how God can sin, since he gambled with Satan on Job's reaction. Youre telling me I misunderstand ACCORDING TO YOUR BELIEFS. Well, I gots news for ya - this question wasnt posed to YOU, since you did not answer the previous question by saying that gambling IS A SIN.

Gambling in Vegas? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Nevade state law: NRS 463.350 Gaming or employment in gaming prohibited for persons under 21. 1. A person under the age of 21 years shall not: (a) Play, be allowed to play, place wagers at, or collect winnings from, whether personally or through an agent, any gambling game, slot machine, race book, sports pool or pari-mutuel operator. Is smoking a sin? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Is damaging the air around others for your personal pleasure a Sin? Is dropping the butts where they may causing an increase in Taxs to pay for the clean up a Sin? Is killing animals with the toxins from those butts a Sin? And this is before the histo-cultural factors like Smoking Racist White ... My fellow Christians, where in the Bible does it say that ... Best Answer: The Bible does not condemn drinking. It only says not to be a drunk. As far as smoking, it is not a sin but your body is a temple of the Lord. I struggle with smoking but I came to Christ after starting. When it is time, God will take the desire to smoke from me the same as he did with swearing.